The PREMIERE online course that teaches you how to use GETAROUND to build and scale a car-share fleet (a $3,400 value!)
What you'll learn:
- What kind of cars to buy, how to buy them, and where exactly to place them based on data (with minimal capital investment! Business credit lines, etc.)
- How to legally structure your business (and when to upgrade to higher forms of tax structures)
- How to set up your fleet in your market (where to put the cars, GPS tracking, Getaround parking alliances, and how to leverage your account manager)
- Insurance 101 - everything you need to know so that you don't over-insure. Updated quarterly with new industry products.
- Managing your fleet week-to-week (the process, maintenance, repairs, parking for 10+ cars, demand data showing you the hottest parts of town, automation, etc.)
- Handling incidents (the claims process, lost rental revenue, managing Sedgwick, etc)
- How to handle taxes (including a special section on depreciation)
- Scaling your fleet for maximum profit (Key metrics (KPIs), profit expectations, automation, multi market expansion, and business credit)
- Handling Slow Months (4 new techniques that I promise you've never thought of)
- 11 modules with 58 videos giving you expert level knowledge of Getaround
Bonus Features:
- Unlimited access to Alex Witherow - ask as many questions as you need to over time in the chat module or by email! (Trust me, you'll have questions)
- Unlimited access to the course to revisit topics over time - the course is regularly updated with new content and updates as the industry changes
- Unlimited access to Car Rental University webinars covering a variety of industry topics
- You will be granted access to the Car Rental University Mastermind group of Getaround A-Z members to discuss any issues you're having in the business. You'll build a community of entrepreneurs within our group chat.
“This is way more extensive than any educational resource we offer. Getaround A-Z gets into the weeds of hosting on Getaround.”
-Getaround Supply Strategy Team
Car Rental University offers a $1,000 GUARANTEE. After taking this course and applying the concepts, if your first car doesn't make $1,000 in revenue in the first month, Alex Witherow will personally address your business so that the car makes at least $1,000 the second month. If he can't fix it, the course will be refunded.
"I've spoken with all of the major YouTube car rental influencers. Alex was the best."
-Paul Rivera, Car Rental Entrepreneur, Chicago, IL
"This program confirms all the research we've gathered on this industry. It's an impressive training course."
-Don Schreffler, Kairos Capital Resources, Washington, DC
“Alex Witherow has a vast knowledge of this industry. I learned so much!” -
-Deann McLemore, Getaround Host, Las Vegas, NV
"I’ve watched all the content creators on car rentals. Alex Witherow and [other] are by far the best in my opinion.” -John Baldino, Getaround Host, Hoboken, NJ
“I was so comfortable with scaling after taking this course. There’s a lot of nuance in this business. Alex is a huge help.”
-Manny Tommasiello, Getaround Host, Long Island, NY
“There’s a lot of great information in this course that’s not listed on your YouTube channel.”
-Connor Newman, Getaround Host, Boston, MA
"I bought both courses. There is tons of fantastic information in both." -Richard Telling, Getaround Host, Portland, OR
"I know that if I ever have any issue with my car rentals business, Alex Witherow will always know what to do.”
-Evan Hooker, Getaround fleet owner, Atlanta, GA
“I am SO thankful to have Alex as a resource. Thank you so much!”
-Chris Cooley, Getaround Host, New York City
"There are a ton of gems in this course! Thanks!!"
-Eric Slocum, Getaround Host, Miami, FL
“I made $25,000 in 4 months based on Alex’s advice.”
-Fabian P., Car-share fleet owner, Miami, FL
"Alex Witherow helped steer me away from a couple of disastrous mistakes in my rental business, & towards a couple of long-term opportunities--the kind that will pay dividends for years to come."
-Dorothy Young, Car-share fleet owner, Baltimore, MD