$397.00 USD

Once you complete this course, you have the option to purchase 60 minutes of consulting sessions with Alex Witherow to discuss any issues you're having in your business.  He will customize each session to your specific situation.

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Getaround A-Z: From Startup To Scale

The PREMIERE online course that teaches you how to use GETAROUND to build and scale a car-share fleet (a $3,400 value!)

What you'll learn:

  • What kind of cars to buy, how to buy them, and where exactly to place them based on data (with minimal capital investment! Business credit lines, etc.) 
  • How to legally structure your business (and when to upgrade to higher forms of tax structures)
  • How to set up your fleet in your market (where to put the cars, GPS tracking, Getaround parking alliances, and how to leverage your account manager)
  • Insurance 101 - everything you need to know so that you don't over-insure.  Updated quarterly with new industry products.
  • Managing your fleet week-to-week (the process, maintenance, repairs, parking for 10+ cars, demand data showing you the hottest parts of town, automation, etc.)
  • Handling incidents (the claims process, lost rental revenue, managing Sedgwick, etc)
  • How to handle taxes (including a special section on depreciation)
  • Scaling your fleet for maximum profit (Key metrics (KPIs), profit expectations, automation, multi market expansion, and business credit)  
  • Handling Slow Months (4 new techniques that I promise you've never thought of)
  • 11 modules with 58 videos giving you expert level knowledge of Getaround

Bonus Features:

  • Unlimited access to Alex Witherow - ask as many questions as you need to over time in the chat module or by email! (Trust me, you'll have questions)
  • Unlimited access to the course to revisit topics over time - the course is regularly updated with new content and updates as the industry changes
  • Unlimited access to Car Rental University webinars covering a variety of industry topics
  • You will be granted access to the Car Rental University Mastermind group of Getaround A-Z members to discuss any issues you're having in the business.  You'll build a community of entrepreneurs within our group chat.

“This is way more extensive than any educational resource we offer.  Getaround A-Z gets into the weeds of hosting on Getaround.”
-Getaround Supply Strategy Team

Car Rental University offers a $1,000 GUARANTEE. After taking this course and applying the concepts, if your first car doesn't make $1,000 in revenue in the first month, Alex Witherow will personally address your business so that the car makes at least $1,000 the second month.  If he can't fix it, the course will be refunded.

"I've spoken with all of the major YouTube car rental influencers. Alex was the best."

-Paul Rivera, Car Rental Entrepreneur, Chicago, IL

"This program confirms all the research we've gathered on this industry.  It's an impressive training course."

-Don Schreffler, Kairos Capital Resources, Washington, DC

“Alex Witherow has a vast knowledge of this industry.  I learned so much!” -
-Deann McLemore, Getaround Host, Las Vegas, NV

"I’ve watched all the content creators on car rentals. Alex Witherow and [other] are by far the best in my opinion.” -John Baldino, Getaround Host, Hoboken, NJ

“I was so comfortable with scaling after taking this course. There’s a lot of nuance in this business. Alex is a huge help.”
-Manny Tommasiello, Getaround Host, Long Island, NY    

“There’s a lot of great information in this course that’s not listed on your YouTube channel.”
-Connor Newman, Getaround Host, Boston, MA

"I bought both courses.  There is tons of fantastic information in both." -Richard Telling, Getaround Host, Portland, OR

"I know that if I ever have any issue with my car rentals business, Alex Witherow will always know what to do.”
-Evan Hooker, Getaround fleet owner, Atlanta, GA

“I am SO thankful to have Alex as a resource.  Thank you so much!”
-Chris Cooley, Getaround Host, New York City

"There are a ton of gems in this course! Thanks!!"

-Eric Slocum, Getaround Host, Miami, FL

“I made $25,000 in 4 months based on Alex’s advice.”
-Fabian P., Car-share fleet owner, Miami, FL

"Alex Witherow helped steer me away from a couple of disastrous mistakes in my rental business, & towards a couple of long-term opportunities--the kind that will pay dividends for years to come."
-Dorothy Young, Car-share fleet owner, Baltimore, MD